

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Recap: In fog or sun

I wish I could show y'all an awesome event-filled weekend.
But in reality
we were a pretty boring family.

Naps, meals, toys strewn about
really not much to report.

Except that on Sunday we went to the beach.
There was a heavy fog that silences everything but the waves.
We spent a few hours combing the shore
the boys drove cars through the wet sand
and Dora pup ran between surf and dunes.
Quiet, peaceful perfection.

Since moving here over a year ago this place has become our family's secret getaway
A place to breathe
To disappear from the rest of the world.
In fog or sun...

I hope you were able to disappear this weekend
Even if it was for a moment.
Cheers to a beautiful and hopefully bright week.
We could use a little sunshine around here.


  1. The beach is my all time favorite place in the world! I love seeing your babies at the shore, they are just so cute!
    I just got off the phone with my sister and she said you guys are getting rain for the next few days, I wish we were, we need it.

  2. So beautiful! That's a pretty cool place to be able to disappear to for sure!

  3. How pretty, looks like a lovely time to relax!

  4. I don't think your weekend is boring at all. I love the beach and the secrets it holds. We have to drive (all day) to get to the atlantic. I do miss it but I can enjoy your beach right this very second :)

  5. This is stunning Ko. Not boring at all. I need the water. The beach. To ground myself there... I think a trip is in order soon. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  6. Beautiful photos, my dear! We've been enjoying the beach too lately. My goodness...those are some BEAUTIFUL seashells.
