

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I had a list of fun Fall posts all ready to go for this week and obviously that didn't happen. If you stopped by for a visit this afternoon we would sit in the craft room and catch up over piping hot cups of coffee, I'd make you tea if you'd rather that. And then I would tell you, probably with tears in my eyes that Kindergarten is exhausting. Go ahead and laugh. I'm sure when I look back at this post in a few years I will too. But right now, it. makes. my. eyes. cross.

I feel partially at fault for this. We have yet to do organized sports simply because Will doesn't really want to and I've enjoyed getting to explore and be with our kids on my own terms. It's been a glorious 5 years of doing our own thing and I think that is what has been such a slap in the face. 5 days a week we now have a commitment.  It feels like zero to sixty for us.

So will you say a little prayer for me? I so want to move into this new phase with grace and ease. I've never fought a change or new stage with my kids before, but for some reason this one seems tricker.


  1. It is so hard! Yes you're used to picking up and going. And we had half day kindergarten which spit the day up. And you have this whole new world to deal with to help them can be a lot. I would not worry about organized sports or extracurricular stuff...that will be smacking you in the face soon enough and you'll be where I am now, lol, never knowing if you are coming or going! Hugs!!!!

  2. I can TOTALLY relate!!! Now that Naomi is in school while Isaac is in day care, the flexibility I had in my schedule is ALL GONE! I find myself running everywhere...from Naomi's bus pickup, to Isaac's day care drop-off, to work, to picking up the kids, to cooking dinner and on and on. Last week I started praying for the Lord to show me what changes I can make to gain a little peace in all of this and I'm still waiting for his answer...I will DEFINITELY pray for the Lord to help you with this transition time as well.

  3. Oh dear ko, saying a prayer for you. Really, my advise is to just embrace everyone of these moments, they go by really fast!

  4. I hope by the time you read this you have a fresh perspective. I think you might be too hard on yourself. School is a busy time and you will adjust. So while you are adjusting take time to have a cup of tea and breathe :)

  5. deep breath my dear. skip the days you need to skip, get them early when it suits, on rainy days just snuggle in, and then embrace it whole heartedly when there. we only partially embrace 'the system' and it works well. they make all A's but know that we can hear them when they are fatigued or need a break...and they can stay home and learn 'our way'. just a thought. you don't have to do it the schools way...they are your boys!

  6. Yeah, I remember that too. I felt I lost my freedom and my place in their lives. Now someone else was calling the shots and I had better get used to it. Sports--love them and hate them for a bunch of reasons. You have my sympathy entirely.

  7. Well, I GET IT.
    My younger is at home with me for another year, but older is is in 1st. She LOVED Kinder, but since we moved, 1st grade is very hard for her. She has her good days and bad- but ultimately I want to pull her out. My husband and our extended families do not agree with me. And, I do understand the need for socializing (though I hate that words, dogs get socialized, kids make friends.)
    The schedules suck. Some people think having kids in school makes it easier. I find it harder, so far. To have to remember all the events, get them places on time, etc...
    Anyway- probably not the perspective you wanted, but Ivey is right. Not taking it so seriously and her kids are older, so I think perhaps just the first few years are hard.
    My husband reminds me it's what "almost all kids do."
    SOmehow, that's just not too reassuring for me. ; )
