

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This and That and a Teeny Adoption Update

This summer is just zipping by!
And it's turning out that I must be a seasonal blogger.
Sorry y'all for the lack of activity here.
My guess is that for the next month and a half
you will see me here in little bursts.
Come Fall I will fall (haha get it) back into my routine.
Sorry for the corny joke....I hate when people do that ;)

On with this post. 

you've been keeping me busy my dear.

If y'all just love knowing what I'm up to then Instagram 
is your best bet during these summer months.
Some friends say I have a problem....
What can I say, I just love the app.
It's a lazy blogger's dream come true!

But if you are not on Instagram let me give you a quick update on each family member:

Mr. Doozie has been working working working, in his free time there is a lovely headboard taking shape in his garage and he finished our nightstands! Yay, for marrying a handyman ;) 

Ko....just busy with the kids. Most days I feel like a pack mule hauling gear to and from the beach, hiking trails, swim lessons etc... I've been able to sneak in a few trips sans the boys and they have been very nice mommy breaks.

Will is going to be 6 at the end of August. I'm a little shocked at that, I find myself missing those toddler days so much. Well, except for how much better he sleeps. Hallelujah for a kid that sleeps in! We are working hard at helping him reign in the sillies and obey the first time....epic stuff over here. He still has such a tender heart and I pray that always stays. Just a week ago we were walking down a grocery asile and he was singing 
"I lovvvvve myyyyyy mom....yeah yeah yeah.....because sheeeee is soooo.......
wait for it....and sing it high pitched and loud,
Awesome. Thanks Will for singing that to the whole store.
Note to self, hire trainer at gym. ;) wild card....he is the one that makes me lay my head on the pillow and ask God for a little extra help the next day. His excitement for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. in life is both awe inspiring and exhausting. His newest thing is somersaults. Each night at bedtime several must be done in leu of walking to his bed and one grand final one on his bed to help with the tuck in process.

That leaves us with our sweet Selah
and a bit of news on the adoption front. 

It's moving slow y'all....
At the beginning of the summer it felt like it was flying.
Now it feel very much like the military saying "hurry up and wait".

We are wading through paperwork.

As much as I would like to say that she is going to be home soon.
I see a good chunk of time ahead of us and I hope y'all will hang in
there with us on this journey. 

There are so many factors that play into the length of the wait,
paperwork, background checks, money, approvals, signatures on this and that,
waiting for a child to come into the system that matches our list of special needs we qualify for.
So much needs to fall into place
and I know it will, it just feels like molasses at the moment. 
drip by drip....we will get her home.

In the meantime I'm finding joy and beauty in the here and now.
Soaking up the last sips of summer
and dreaming of the day we hold our sweet girl in our arms. 


  1. Ahhhh Summers! Packed with excitement! I don't know any of my peeps that are enjoying lazzzzzy Summer days!! Do you?? Those kind of days happen for me in the Fall when I move the comfy chairs back in front of the fire :))

  2. thanks for the heads up the other day on that other app. I need to get it!
    thanks for checking in and letting us know how everything is.
    it's always good to have your bright & shiny voice out there.

  3. Praying for your wait. The wait is never fun but praying yours blesses you and changes you like ours has already done to us.

    1. Thank you sweet girl! That is my prayer and I'm so thankful to know that someone is praying it over me as well!

  4. It's a discipline and a gift to be able to find joy in the moment....good job.

  5. You'll get there! I'm loving following you on Instagram! So much summer!!!
