

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Be Kind Wednesday

Wow, it's already Wednesday! I'll be honest, I'm crazy tired people. Crazy tired.... There are a few things I can blame this on: I'm still recovering from that darn bronchitis, the boys have been getting up a tad too early in my opinion and ummmm I rode my bike with the boys in the trailer (90+lbs), 4 miles to the beach with my back tire break engaged the ENTIRE time! Whoops! My legs are not pleased with me in the least. Thankfully Bill figured out the problem on the way home, but that did not erase the fact that I had already drug the boys the 4 miles there ;)
So Be Kind Wednesday....hmmmmm. This is what I have for you this week: 2 images I took and edited on PicMonkey (goodness I love that site) and a little reminder to love yourself and those around you. This week feels like it just needs a little extra love. Do something today that fills you up and allows you to pour it out. My eldest really wants to know how computers are made so today we are going to research that and I'm going to hang out in my yoga pants, barefoot and drinking coffee. What will you do?

If you join me on Be Kind Wednesdays, don't forget to leave a link back to your blogpost so we can hop around and see all the love :) You might even get a few ideas!


  1. Every day should be a Kind day :) I cannot believe that you rode your bike with the brakes on-you are so powerful!!

  2. hello dear! thanx for the reminder...i need it, as i try to do too many things in too little time. most of them pertaining to what is supposed to be a relaxing vacation!


    yes, i am slowing it down and breathing!

  3. Thank you, for I am also tired and need the reminder to sit and enjoy the sunshine and take a little break. I feel like we've been going, going so today we'll hang around the home, garden and jump on the trampoline all. day. long. I'm pretty excited for a day planned just as it unfolds.

  4. Wish I read this post on the photos! peaceful!!!
